There was a brazen robbery done at a Miami Pollo Tropical drive-thru. They robbed the driver at gunpoint. The victim had over $9k cash and a gold chain worth $10k… a coincidence? No. There were a few factors.
One… they were followed leaving the jewelry store and were followed. Predators hunt by watering holes… waiting for the prey to come for a drink. With human predators, they’ll wait by areas where there will be money, such as ATMs, jewelry stores, etc. When you’re going to and from such places, you need to be extra aware – especially if you just bought an expensive piece of jewelry and are walking out with it.
Two… drive-thrus are a point of exposure. Whenever I’m going through a drive-thru, I always keep awareness around me – and I always give myself enough room between me and the car in front of me so that if I have to exit, I can get the heck out. I’m always looking for an exit path over a curb, through bushes, etc., in case I have to get out. Drive-thru robberies and attacks are not that uncommon.
Three… a man who claimed to be friends with the victim came by our facility and said that the driver was unarmed. I don’t know if this guy is legitimately his friend and/or if his friend was indeed unarmed – but if he was unarmed, then that’s another mistake. If you’re going to be going around with almost $20k on you – you should be armed… for the same reason, the bank has an armed guard on-premises. When you have money like that on you, there are people willing to kill for it. There are people in Miami that will kill for hundreds of dollars – let alone for thousands.
Four… it does very little good to be armed if you aren’t trained. If you aren’t trained, and you got caught in this type of scenario, even with a gun on you, you would likely freeze, and they would get the jump on you.
Daily Scenarios like these are the sources of our training. We will be announcing our first Simulator based training with this exact incident to test your natural reaction under stress and very little time to think. In Florida, you are required to take a course that allows the certified instructor to witness you show firearms proficiency and discharge live ammunition in order to apply for your Florida Concealed Weapons License. Having a firearm or a Florida Concealed Weapons License is not an option today. Invite your friends and family to take action before it is too late.
Share this VIP coupon code with your friends and family if they are looking to get their CCW: MA2021