Need the required fingerprints to apply for a Florida Concealed Weapons License Or Firearm Appeal?
The State of Florida requires these fingerprints to be done by an authorized law enforcement agent. A Law Enforcement Biometrics Agent will be at our location conducting your fingerprints and also providing you with the required CCW packet, which contains your license application.
After you obtain your fingerprints, we will send you a detailed email on how to properly send your documents to the DOA and get your license sent from Tallahassee with no mistakes!

Need fingerprints for employment or any other license for a Level II Background Check?
FDT is partnered up with FingerprintsASAP which is FDLE-certified and offers Live-Scan services such as (Real Estate, Nursing, Name Change, Employment, AHCA, FBI, ATF, etc)
Live Scan fingerprinting is the process of capturing fingerprints electronically for submission to specific agencies, archiving, or fingerprint card printing.
AHCA, Dpt of Elder Affairs, FDJL, DCF, APD, HSMV, FDE, OFR, DBPR, FDR, VR, FDH.

Florida Concealed Weapons Fingerprints | Limited Availability
If you have any questions, call us at (786) 438-4428 or email us at floridaconcealedweapons@gmail.com